Not all supplements are equal! It’s really important to make sure if you are spending money on a supplement, that you are getting good quality and that the product contains […]
Yarrow for nail health
Sometimes I have clients in the Clinic who wonder, do plants really work? Like anything, you have to try them to see. (The answer is a definite Yes by the […]
How can Naturopathy help hormone balance?
Some people have asked how naturopathy can help with the menopause and in balancing hormones. The basis of naturopathy is to try to help the body balance itself. Our belief […]
Tips for Good Digestive Health
We see a lot of people with digestive issues. Many of these can be addressed by changing eating habits, what they eat or drink and by reducing stress. A range […]
Creamy Nettle Soup
Serves 4 8 ounces (225 g) young nettle tops or tender leaves, loosely packed 1 tablespoon butter or extra-virgin olive oil 1 medium onion, chopped 10 medium-sized mushrooms 2 medium […]
Need a Spring Tonic? Think Nettle
Spring is here finally. Buds are beginning to appear on trees and the daffodils and crocuses are out. There’s also plenty of nettles around, but resist the temptation to weed […]
Not just a drop in the Snow (the Snowdrop)
It’s coming towards the end of January and in theory Winter should be coming to a close, although it’s hard to know these days. Looking at the garden the first […]
Sick with colds and flu? Don’t forget your immune/energy boost
This time of the year everyone you meet has a cold or the H1N1 flu, which is circulating. There are a number of things you can do before, during and […]