As sports people, we like to feel strong and full of energy, but sometimes life doesn’t work out that way. Fit people get ill too and sometimes require surgery. So […]
Back to work blues? Five steps for September stress
September for me has always been an exciting time. A time of new beginnings – fresh smelling books, Autumn shopping, new courses, but it is also a sad time – […]
Seven steps to better memory
The Mediterranean Diet A recent study has shown that the Mediterranean diet is better than ever. Yes, we all know, a diet rich in leafy greens, fruit and vegetables, cereals, […]
Stretching – Yes or No?
Stretching is a personal choice, but here are six things to consider. Personal choice Firstly, stretching is personal – some find it benefits them, others may hate it and find […]
Stretch or Go?
The debate on stretching before exercise goes on. A recent review of studies by Behm et al in the Applied Physiology Nutrition and Metabolism Journal on the effect of muscle […]
I love my bugs!
I love my bugs! This week, the gut microbiome hit the news again with a study carried out by scientists at the University of British Colombia, Canada which found that […]
Worried about the effect ageing is having on your brain – take exercise!
Three studies have appeared in the last few weeks underscoring the effect exercise has on the ageing brain. Physical Activity and Physical Fitness may help reduce brain ageing The first […]
Worried about blood pressure or diabetes? Think Olive Leaf
Nowadays, we like to think that science has all the answers – that, until it is proven, nothing is fact. And it is true, science in many cases can provide […]